…the end of a chapter
I had forgotten the sound of the breeze in the trees and the smell of the dust scattered over the meadows. I had forgotten the power of the wind, its everchanging moods to which you must adapt continuously. I had forgotten the names of the cities and the meaning of certain words in this unique way of singing English. I had long forgotten the taste of food, I had forgotten the difference in rhythm and the strength of the culture. I had forgotten the richness of encountering others and the deeper anchorage of one’s own roots through it. I had forgotten how much I loved Canterbury’s infinite tones of ochre, how fascinated I was with these unreal sceneries, these never-ending roads, this ocean, everywhere and yet not really anywhere…
But deep down inside, I had kept the memory of a generosity without border, of a pure simplicity full of this incomparable desire to give. This memory had been there for 25 years … and forever will remain.
We spent a family parenthesis that is difficult to describe: rich, diversified, full. We were welcomed into their homes. We used their cars, their wifi, their daily objects altogether, we helped ourselves out of their fridge, on their barbecue…
We lived here as if we were one of them.
Thank you, merci mille fois, du fond du cœur.
Thank you for your home, thank you for your words. Thank you for your time, your car, the boat trips and the holiday home in Twizel, the “wait, wait!” photo stops along those beautiful roads, your patience for our late wake ups, the yummy sheep you grow in your garden as we grow parsley on our balcony, the meeting with these wonderful girls of yours, their beloved ones, the newborn friendships between the new generation, the dogs even, so funny and soft, the way back you had to drive from Picton with two cars, the first row wedding seats, the agates in the river, the wines too late at night, the possum shooting, the working dogs demonstration, the most yummy fluffies, the paua dish in Pegasus, the incomparable pavlova, the hash browns, the washing machine, the blessing ceremony and the wonderful green stones.
You accepted me and my family, just as you did 25 ago, adopted the adult version of me, welcomed my kids as your own grandkids…
… For all this and for everything more… Thank you so much…
Some music chosen from the kids for you guys…

You made me cry twice! Once with such happiness when you arrived, and then again with sadness when you hopped on the ferry to leave.
Life was hectic, chaotic & fun.
Our house was yours. Bear & Poppy loved all the attention. We tried for such a short time to remind you a little of our lives.
The photos are fabulous.
Love you all xxx
Oh c’est si beau et si émouvant! Merci de partager ces instants avec nous et nous restons ainsi en parfaite communication avec vous et vos amis. Le tel de ce matin nous a tellement plu, merci et on vous aime.
Nous aussi <3
Magnifiques images de fraternité, d’amitié et de partage… courage à vous tous! 🥺
Un privilège de pouvoir vivre tout ça…